• The difference between paid search and organic search

    The difference between paid search and organic search

    In organic search traffic comes from people finding business links in the search engine results. SEO influences organic search results. In paid search traffic is attributed from audiences clicking on a link either in an advertisement or sponsored listing that a business has paid for in order to appear on the top of search results.

    Unless you're one of the 20% of people using Bing or Yahoo, we all search for answers in the same i.e Google.

    Google represents two totally different, yet equally valuable traffic sources to inbound marketers i.e, organic search and paid search.

    The methods for getting traffic from these two sources are known as search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) respectively.

    Now let us have a glance at the key differences between organic search and paid search.

    Organic Search

    Whenever you search something into Google, or any other search engine, the links that appear as result below the ads are known as "organic results."

    These come out totally depending on the quality and content of the page.Traffic which comes from people finding your website among these results is known as "organic search" traffic or only organic traffic.

    Organic traffic is broadly deliberated as the most valuable traffic source for several reasons:

    • Google manages the highest amount of traffic and they are the most credible source for people researching a purchase.

    • Google is very, very specific about their rankings and ranking in the top five results for a keyword signifies that your content is of high quality.

    • Moving up in the ranking is not easy and it takes time, but once you are there you get to harvest the benefits for a long time.

    • Results on the first page of Google i.e. the Top 10 receive 91% of all search traffic on Google. Traffic reduces by 95% on the second page.

    • 34% of the clicks from organic search results go to the very front listing on Google.

    The drawback of organic search is that : 

    • It takes time to get arranged and start producing traffic from this source. Before everything SEO became the norm, ranking high on Google was not much difficult. In fact, the competition was so low that simply writing a few articles on a topic was all to achieve the top rank for many niches. There was unquestionably no need to game the system.

    But things have changed dramatically in the last ten years. Now, almost every business has a website. Increasing organic traffic and earning top rank takes time, ability and more effort than in the past, but it's well worth it.

    Google is involved not only in our buying behavior, but our daily lives in general. Unless another global method for searching in the internet comes along, the importance of search engine optimization(SEO) and organic traffic is unlikely to go down.

    Paid Search

    Paid search results are those that companies have paid to appear at the very top of search results (above those that earned their top page spots organically).

    Despite the small yellow box next to their title showing"ad," many consumers are not aware that these are even advertisements. The ads feel native and fit smoothly in the results to be less obtrustive. For this reason only paid search has been more popular in recent years as organic search has become too much competitive.Rather than waiting patiently for your SEO to build up, you can pay to get seen on page one of Google immediately.

    To give you an idea of how much money is being spent on paid search, let's take a look at Google. Google's AdWords program is the most used pay-per-click (PPC) advertising program available in today's time. While the technology owns both YouTube as well as Android, among all of other profitable brands, AdWords accounts for nearly 70% of their revenue, which shows wonders for its capability.

    When starting your first campaign on Google Adwords, you need to be courteous. When done right, you can start getting thousands of targeted traffic to your landing pages much faster than you would be able to get from organic search.

    Conclusion: Organic Search vs Paid Search

    Traditionally, inbound marketers have avoided paid search as it is more of an outbound method for marketing, but with Social Media Ads and tools like HubSpot Ads, it's becoming more common for the two to work together.

    Practically, it takes three to five months to start seeing movement in search rankings and most people just don't want to wait that long. Paid search helps you get visitors to your website today and speeds up the optimizing process of your landing pages for higher conversions, which pays off rapidly in the long run.

    So, if you are measuring the pros and cons of organic search vs paid search, discuss with your team and examine your timeline and budget.

    If you're looking for the quickest results, certainly paid search is better, but if you're looking for the most cost-effective results, the answer seems to be less clear cut.

    Popularly, organic search is more cost-effective in the long run. But, with right campaign and attention to page optimization, paid search can be very cost-effective too.

    Take a look at your goals and feel free to experiment.

    To Know More :
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