High-Tech Digital Experts

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High-Tech Digital Experts

High-Tech Digital Experts is a complete end to end brand marketing agency.Our work is powered by strategic innovation to help clients test, improve and deliver change to stay ahead of the market.We are digital artists who merge imagination and technology to help brands grow in an age of digital transformation. Contact us today to optimize your website and boost your marketing performance, reduce costs and improve your return on investment.

  • Kolkata, India.
  • +91 9547519798
  • contact.sandhyadhara@gmail.com
  • https://hightechdigitalexperts.blogspot.com/

Our Specialization

High-Tech Digital Experts seamlessly combines expertise in digital marketing to define and connect every aspect of a brand experience. We have a wide-range of experience in creating and promoting brands with multidisciplinary team, which is proficient in SEO, SMM, Web designing, Web developement, video creation and logo making.

Web Design 90%
Web Development 70%
Digital Marketing 95%
Seo Consultation 60%

Search Engine Optimization

High-Tech Digital Experts offer the best SEO services to our clients. We offer the services from small companies to large enterprises. We carry out thorough analysis and research on the needs of our clients for doing effective Search Engine Optimization.

Social Media Marketing

High-Tech Digital Experts is a company that helps the client to create and manage top-performing social media marketing services for small business as well as medium and Big business. At High-Tech Digital Experts, we manage to help businesses create better visibility on social platforms.

Web Design

Your consumers will not give you a second chance to make a first impression.In a digital world, first impressions are vital and an outstanding web design is the key to success.Let High-Tech Digital Experts help your business make an outstanding impression with speed and technology.

Web Development

High-Tech Digital Experts take a broad approach to web development starting from coding to web design and content. We are a team of experienced professionals working together. Our goal is to develop your website not only to rank higher, but to deliver the best possible experience to your users.

Video Creator

Videos are the latest fad in advertising and digital marketing. High-Tech Digital Experts gets closer to your brand and provide you with an idea that connects with your brand value. Only then do we take you on a journey to get you the perfect video through a process of video creation, and the designated output.

Logo Designer

Every businesses whether big or small needs a perfect logo for its identity.High-Tech Digital Experts are here to get the job done and get the perfect logo for your business uniqueness.

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  • What is SEO and how it works?

    What is SEO and how it works?

    What is SEO and how it works? 

    We’ve made this simple for you.

    One of the biggest questions that we get from our client is – what is SEO and how does it work? For businesses that are just starting to build their website or going through a website redesign, search engine optimization or SEO can feel a bit complicated. You can start making some positive changes that will help you improve your search engine optimization. With a little SEO knowledge under your belt, you can improve your brand’s search engine ranking in no time.

    Below, we’ll provide an answer to the billion dollar question – what is SEO and how it works?

    SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is the process of optimizing your website to get organic, traffic from the search engine results page. In other words, SEO involves making certain changes to website design and content that make your site more attractive to a search engine. The reason is that the search engine will display your website as a top result on the search engine results page.

    Though search engine optimization can get quite complex when it comes to all the different factors that impact a website ranking, the basic process is not as difficult to understand. Search engines provides the best service for their users. This means delivering results on the search engine pages that are not only high quality but also relevant to what the searcher is actually looking for.

    In order to do this, search engines will scan, or crawl, different websites to better understand what the site is all about. This helps them deliver more results to those who are searching for certain topics. The search engines will scan the website to determine how easy it is to navigate and read, rewarding user-friendly sites with higher rankings on the search engine results page.

    There are lot of benefits of SEO for your business. By improving your SEO, you can expand your visibility on the search engines. This helps you reach and engage more customers. By creating more engaging and effective SEO-focused content, you can increase your chances of bringing in more targeted organic traffic to your website.

    Factors That Impact SEO

    Now that you know what is SEO and how it works, let’s take a look at some of the factors that impacts your search engine optimization ranking. Google will never give away the exact algorithm they use to rank websites. However, we do have a pretty good understanding of some of the factors that impact search engine results page rankings. These factors include both on-page and off-page factors, which are discussed below.

    Content Marketing

    Before we get into some of the factors of on and off-page SEO, let’s talk about content. Content is effective in both attracting the search engines and helping your organization make connections with website visitors.

    The more quality, relevant content pieces that you have on your website, the more likely search engines will be to rank your pages higher on the search engine results page. Similarly, the more engaging and effective content you have on your website, the more likely your visitors will be to spend some quality time on your website and maybe even make a purchase.

    The secret to creating content that is optimized for both the search engines and your human website visitors is to create a variety of different types of contents that are well-written and on topics that are most relevant to your audience. Here are a few types of content that you can focus on to help improve your content offering and, thus, your search engine rankings:

    • Blog posts and articles

    • Social media content

    • Videos and audio recordings

    • Infographics or other visual content

    Another important thing to consider when creating content for your website is SEO keywords and phrases. These are relevant words and phrases that a user might type in when looking for answers to their questions or relevant products and services. When you create content around these keywords , you improve your chances of ranking higher for these keywords on the search engine results page.

    Yet another factor that can impact your content and your search engine ranking, is how fresh your content is. Freshness basically refers to how often your organization posts new content to website. However, creating brand new content is not the only way to keep your content fresh but you can also freshen up your content by updating posts, rewriting them to make them a lot more effective, or adding new information and statistics over time.

    Final Takeaways

    After learning about what is SEO and how it works, you can now work to make changes to your website in order to improve your SEO and boost your rankings on the search engine results page. Remember, there are a lot of factors that impact your SEO ranking, but the most important thing is whether your content is valuable and relevant to your intended audience.

    SEO or search engine optimization takes time to work. You won’t experience the benefits of SEO overnight. In fact, it may take months to enjoy the results of your hard work. However, following SEO best practices by creating quality content that’s focused on helping your human visitors is the best way to build a sustainable online business that will continue to bring in new organic website traffic for years to come.

    Need help building your SEO? If you’re not happy with your search engine rankings, call us today to get started.

    To Know More :
    Email Us at contact.sandhyadhara@gmail.com
    Or Contact Us :+91 9547519798
  • Want to know all the benefits of SEO? (2/2)

    Want to know all the benefits of SEO? (2/2)

    Want to know all the benefits of SEO?

    (PART 2/2)

    16. Your competitors are using SEO to grow their business.Customers start their internet journey with a search.Sooner or later, if you do not use search to grow your business, you will not have a business!

    17. SEO can give smaller businesses an edge on larger businesses.If you operate a small business, you may find that it is tough to outspend bigger competitors. However, you can rely on an effective SEO strategy to go in the back door to bring in customers.

    18. SEO will help you gain market share being first. If you are the first option, your customers will never know about the hundreds and thousands of alternatives.

    19. SEO can help you break into new markets. once your website is optimized. You can count on the search engines to drive qualified traffic to your new offerings that will help you enter new markets.

    20. SEO intricates all of your online marketing activities. All online marketing activities like web design, content marketing, social media marketing servicesin some way can attribute to your SEO rankings.

    21. SEO improves your overall marketing ROI from all of your marketing activities.Organic traffic can result to more than 45% of business revenue.

    22. SEO will increase your social media followers. As your visitors are researching your website, they are likely to click your social media icons to follow you. An effective SEO strategy will generate thousands of website visitors.

    23. SEO will increase your blog traffic. As your website’s authority rises with search engines, a few things will happen. Your blog’s individual ranking in Google will rise. Your blog content is more likely to be found on Google. And lastly,gain more referral traffic from your website by promoting your blog throughout your website.

    24. High SEO rankings will improve your website’s click-through-rate or vice versa. You must have a high click-through-rate in order to improve your SEO. Click-through-rate is the amount of people who click your website divided by the amount of people you reached.

    25. SEO improves your website’s time-on-site.As your click-through-rate rises, your website’s time-on-site will increase as well. This is how long your website visitors are staying on your website. The longer your audiences stay on your website, the more likely they are to buy. Additionally, it will boost your SEO rankings as well.

    To Know More :
    Email Us at contact.sandhyadhara@gmail.com
    Or Contact Us :+91 9547519798
  • Want to know all the benefits of SEO? (1/2)

    Want to know all the benefits of SEO? (1/2)

    Want to know all the benefits of SEO?

    (PART 1/2)

    This list about SEO benefits will blow your mind. You will be thankful you read this.

    Every business should invest in search engine optimization (SEO). It is the process of optimizing your website to maximize organic traffic from search engines such as Google, YouTube, and Yahoo.
    This blog is a warning to everyone that does not yet have an effective SEO strategy.

    Here’s why.

    1. There are millions of people searching for your products on search engines..One of the most important benefits of SEO is that your customers are using search engines everyday.

    2. SEO traffic has the best conversion rates for most websites. By positioning yourself on search engines, you are actually positioning your business to win more customers.

    3. SEO increases sales and leads.

    4. SEO can decrease your cost per acquisition since it is far less expensive than advertising to acquire customers.

    5. SEO does not involve any paid advertising.You do not need to advertise if you have strong SEO standings.

    6. Top SEO rankings provides 24/7 promotion.It does not sleep and that’s another one of the benefits of SEO. Your rankings do not disappear overnight. You can increase your website traffic every day. Once your website rank high in search engines, they will promote your business while you are sleeping.

    7. SEO builds trust and credibility.People trust Google and they use it every day to find what they are looking for. By ranking high on search engines, your business will build trust and credibility with your customers.

    8. SEO makes your customers more informed. High SEO rankings allows you to enlighten potential customers.

    9. SEO significantly influences purchasing decisions. This is because of the developed trust and reliability .

    10. SEO increases your brand awareness and equity. SEO helps people become aware of your brand. Awareness is important as your website visitors may not always be ready to purchase. However, by being aware of your offerings, they may purchase in the future.

    11. SEO increases customer attribution.While your awareness is increasing, SEO will increase your customer attribution points too. Attribution is the amount of times your audience sees your brand or website. The more times they see your business, the more likely they are to make purchase from your business. Strong SEO rankings will help you increase your touch points with potential buyers.

    12. SEO can increase your website referrals. You will gain more and more website referrals from search engines. In addition, your website visitors are likely to refer your website to their friends too.

    13. SEO is measurable. You can measure your conversions and also the source of conversions. You can even measure the progression of your website rankings and organic traffic.

    14. SEO drives offline sales.Do your customers research online before visiting your store? Of course they do! Most people do their research online, SEO therefore drives offline sales.

    15. SEO is more cost-effective than paid advertising.Why spend money for a page to be seen when you can work your way up in the organic search results by using effective SEO?Once your website rank high on search engines, you do not have to pay for clicks from search engines.

    To Know More :
    Email Us at contact.sandhyadhara@gmail.com
    Or Contact Us :+91 9547519798
  • Know Why Web Design Is Important

    Know Why Web Design Is Important

    Your website is actually a customer service representative. If your website is bright, modern, inviting and unique, your audience will feel more welcome on your page. You’ll give the impression that you are open and welcoming to people who visit your website.
    Your website’s design is an opportunity for you to set your business apart from the others. When you’re competing with other businesses, you generally have the same services and similar pricing. You do need that one thing that will make your business stand out from the rest.


    When your audience visits your website, it gives them the first impression of our business. They judge your business within seconds. In these first few seconds, you need to make a positive impact on your audience.If your website looks unattractive or obsolete, your audience will immediately have a negative impression of your business. They won’t find your website appealing, which hinders them from your page to a competitor’s page.


    Many web design elements and practices manipulate how you publish content on your website, which in turn affects how search engine spiders crawl and list your website.You cannot mess up with this thing as,if your on-page SEO fundamentals are not up to snuff, you’ll be fighting an uphill battle for visibility from the start.


    People now are smart enough to judge how you will treat them by looking at your website. Your design gives them insight as to how you view your customers. If you don’t put any effort into your website’s design, your audience knows that you won’t put effort into helping them too.


    People won't trust poorly designed websites. If they see your poor design or the information looks obsolete, they won’t trust your site. They may view your site as shady because you don’t have an updated web design.On the other hand, a professional well development site signals trust with your audience. They will trust your business and feel comfortable checking it out further interest.


    If you need a reason for why web design is important, here’s a big one: Your competitors are already utilizing web design for their business. If you want to remain in competition with them, you must use web design for your site.If you have an old, outdated, and low-quality website, your competitor’s will outrank you. Their well-designed website will perform better than your website which will result in losing leads to your competitors. They’ll attract more leads to their page as their page is more appealing


    When you’re trying to get new leads for your business, you want to build up your brand. You want your audience to get familiar with your brand so they choose you when they’re ready to convert. Online web designs are important as they help create consistency across your page.

    In this digital age, most of the businesses have already developed their respective websites to become more accessible for their customers. With the help of website design, businesses are able to create a user-friendly and welcoming online environment where users can get useful information from anywhere and at any time of the day.

    Although it can cost you a substantial amount of money, investing in a website design can generate an outstanding profit for your business as a whole.

    To Know More :
    Email Us at contact.sandhyadhara@gmail.com
    Or Contact Us :+91 9547519798
  • Find Out Why Marketing Through Social Media Should Be Prioritized

    Find Out Why Marketing Through Social Media Should Be Prioritized

    Find Out Why Marketing Through Social Media Should Be Prioritized:

    1.When it comes to news jacking, social media is king.

    2.You can find potential customers who don’t already know your brand.

    3.The ROI on social media ads is unbeatable.

    4.It makes you keep your customers Up-To-Date.

    5.You can gather data from audience research to improve.

    6.It complements advertising.

    7.It provides a forum for customer care.

    8.Social media creates lead generation.

    9.It improves search ranking.

    10. social media marketing is fun.

    To Know More :
    Email Us at contact.sandhyadhara@gmail.com
    Or Contact Us :+91 9547519798
  • Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing Marketing

    Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing Marketing

    Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing Marketing

    • Type of marketing 


    uniform,structured,clear -advertising campaigns.


    distressed ,spread ,unclear-status updates,ad campaigns ,blog articles ,community posts,twitter messages etc.

    • Direction of communication 


    Unidirectional - information spread by company, consumers only listen.


     Multi-directional -both company and consumers talk and listen.

    • Scheduling


    Long ranging- ad campaigns are planned both over and for a long period of time.


     Spontaneous -ad campaigns are not planned in detail but reactions to comments and requests.

    • Communication with consumers


    Well considered and reviewed -communication only between company and consumer via email, phone or letter and consumer point of discussion is kept secret.


    Fast and public -reactions to comments are immediate and public, anyone can read and join a discussion.

    • Availability 


    During working hours- no direct support beyond regular working hour.


    Permanent(24 x 7)- constant readiness to react to (negative) comments and consumer request replies expected within max 24 h.

    • Scope


    Specific -optimized for certain target audience and markets.


    General- available for anybody, anywhere(optimized for public).

    • Wealth of experience


    Analog-similar successive campaigns, assured legal position.


    Alternating, innovative- changing technical requirements,innovative marketing concepts,legal position unassured.

    • Supervision


    Consumer protection -marketing activities supervised mainly by consumer protection and competitors.


    Users, platforms -marketing activities supervised by authority for consumer protection, competitors, platform operation and users.

    • Language


    Formal,legally safe -strict marketing language ,ready-made full sentences.


    Genuine, direct-no ready-made sentences but personal responses and short answers.

    • People involved


    Marketing department -public relations department,external agencies, sales department.


    New media marketing department -social media department, every employee and user, management.

    To Know More :
    Email Us at contact.sandhyadhara@gmail.com
    Or Contact Us :+91 9547519798

  • Why Is SEO Important For Your Business

    Why Is SEO Important For Your Business


    1.SEO enhances business visibility and branding.

    2.SEO provides business credibility.

    3.SEO brings business traffic.

    4.Good SEO means better user experience.

    5.SEO is cheap.

    6.SEO brings new opportunities to shine.

    7.SEO has one of the best return of investment in advertising.

    8.SEO is a long term strategy.

    9.SEO makes ads more effective through social media.

    10.SEO makes the most out of your whole marketing budget.            


    Hope we have cleared up why SEO is important for your business.Does your Business have an SEO strategy?Is it bringing you more views on your website?

    To Know More :
    Email Us at contact.sandhyadhara@gmail.com
    Or Contact Us :+91 9547519798

  • We understand every business is unique.

    High-Tech Digital Experts seamlessly combines expertise in digital marketing to define and connect every aspect of a brand experience.

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