High-Tech Digital Experts

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High-Tech Digital Experts

High-Tech Digital Experts is a complete end to end brand marketing agency.Our work is powered by strategic innovation to help clients test, improve and deliver change to stay ahead of the market.We are digital artists who merge imagination and technology to help brands grow in an age of digital transformation. Contact us today to optimize your website and boost your marketing performance, reduce costs and improve your return on investment.

  • Kolkata, India.
  • +91 9547519798
  • contact.sandhyadhara@gmail.com
  • https://hightechdigitalexperts.blogspot.com/

Our Specialization

High-Tech Digital Experts seamlessly combines expertise in digital marketing to define and connect every aspect of a brand experience. We have a wide-range of experience in creating and promoting brands with multidisciplinary team, which is proficient in SEO, SMM, Web designing, Web developement, video creation and logo making.

Web Design 90%
Web Development 70%
Digital Marketing 95%
Seo Consultation 60%

Search Engine Optimization

High-Tech Digital Experts offer the best SEO services to our clients. We offer the services from small companies to large enterprises. We carry out thorough analysis and research on the needs of our clients for doing effective Search Engine Optimization.

Social Media Marketing

High-Tech Digital Experts is a company that helps the client to create and manage top-performing social media marketing services for small business as well as medium and Big business. At High-Tech Digital Experts, we manage to help businesses create better visibility on social platforms.

Web Design

Your consumers will not give you a second chance to make a first impression.In a digital world, first impressions are vital and an outstanding web design is the key to success.Let High-Tech Digital Experts help your business make an outstanding impression with speed and technology.

Web Development

High-Tech Digital Experts take a broad approach to web development starting from coding to web design and content. We are a team of experienced professionals working together. Our goal is to develop your website not only to rank higher, but to deliver the best possible experience to your users.

Video Creator

Videos are the latest fad in advertising and digital marketing. High-Tech Digital Experts gets closer to your brand and provide you with an idea that connects with your brand value. Only then do we take you on a journey to get you the perfect video through a process of video creation, and the designated output.

Logo Designer

Every businesses whether big or small needs a perfect logo for its identity.High-Tech Digital Experts are here to get the job done and get the perfect logo for your business uniqueness.

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  • The Top 10 Female Entrepreneurs

    The Top 10 Female Entrepreneurs

    It’s a man’s world’ as they say, but in history and in modern times, women have also played a very important part in society. In fact, some of these highly influential women entrepreneurs have outperformed their male equivalent. From powerful leaders to media king women often have had to fight against far harder offs than their male counterparts to get their respective rank of influence.

    Here are The Top 10 Most Influential & Successful Female Entrepreneurs

    #10 – Sheryl Sandberg

    Although Facebook was certainly very popular before her arrival on board in 2008, it was not easy to see how the site would make an earning worthy of its valuation. Not only did she help to achieve those expectations that came with such a big valuation of a site yet to make a real income, she also helped heavily beat them.

    Since she came on board as Facebook’s second number, it’s user base raised more than 10 times to around 11% of the world’s population, and the business is on course to post huge profits that are rumoured to cause the company to be valued around the $100 billion mark, which is almost half the GDP of Ireland. It was her task to cast Facebook, and she did it very successfully.

    She would have been much higher in the top ten list if it wasn’t for the fact that Facebook was destined to overthrow the world on account of it being a very good idea, but everything she was tasked to do, she did very well and therefore deserve her place amongst the top ten women entrepreneurs.

    #9 – JK Rowling

    This single and struggling mother wrote a book that procured a generation of video gamers and tv addicts back to reading books to work on their imaginations once again. JK Rowling‘s Harry Potter books are one of the best-selling books of all time, she managed to hatch a major feature film series and a franchise that also assimilates a totally functioning theme park in strong competition with Disney. Her influence not only affects millions of children all over the world, but has also attracted many adults into her world.

    #8 – Sara Blakely

    From a woman who once went door-to-door to sell fax machines for 7 years, to failing her life long dream of becoming a lawyer and then creating “Spanx“, a multi-million dollar undergarment company, you would no doubtly agree to say that Sara Blakely is a modern day “Wonder Woman”.

    Sara Blakely has secured her area as the world’s youngest self-made women billionaire with a current net worth of $1 Billion.

    #7 – Lady Gaga

    Whatever you think of her music and fashion tastes, there is no revoking that she has become an extraordinary successful women within a very short period of time and one of the most successful women in music today made earning Lady Gaga her rank as number 8 in the list of top female entrepreneurs.

    Born Stefanie Germanotta, Lady Gaga is predicted to be worth nearly $100 million at the tender age of 25. The reason for her fortune is, unlike many of her peers, she writes her own music, making her a huge income in royalties.

    #6 – Susan Wojcicki

    Susan Wojcicki can absolutely claim to be one of the most entrepreneur women in business owing to her being Senior Vice President at the search engine giant Google, She has been responsible to help turn a great idea into a very profitable idea.

    Susan is principally in charge of the advertising revenue side of Google.

    #5 – Melinda Gates

    Although her husband Bill Gates is chiefly responsible for their wealth, she is responsible for talking him into the co-foundation of a charitable organisation with the money which was made from Bill’s empire. Bill Gates has stated that when he dies, all of his $40 billion fortune will have been used on good causes.

    Bill Gates and Melinda have already donated $27 billion to charitable causes.

    #4 – Indra Nooyi

    Born in Calcutta, India, Indra Nooyi is one of the most powerful women in business who has held executive positions in many of the world’s top companies.

    She is at present the Chairwoman and CEO of Pepsico which is the second largest food and drink company in the world. She has not only excelled in business but also in academic, earning degrees in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and also an MBA in management in India, she then acquired a Master’s degree in Public and Private Management at Yale in 1980.

    #3 – Angela Merkel

    Huge responsibility rests on this ladies shoulders as a leader of Europe’s most powerful and richest economy, Germany. Her influence and alignment skills are likely to affect millions and billions of Europeans and otherpeople all around the world. The global economy completely is in her hands.

    She is Germany’s first female leader and her decisions are highly likely to brunt the history of Germany.

    #2 – Oprah Winfrey

    No list of the top women entrepreneurs can be completed without Oprah.

    Worth an approx of $2.7 billion, it is no wonder that she can afford to give away free cars to her audience members, her fortune has been greatly down to creating television that all people love to watch. And not only being content with coming up on the TV, she has excelled in many other forms of media. For being influential, she had president Obama on her show twice, amongst many other world-famous people she has also donated 100s of millions to make this planet a better place.

    #1 – Cher Wang

    Cher ranks so high on this list as she is perhaps the most successful female entrepreneur in this whole world. Her wealth is mainly of her own making rather than being down to working for a firm or being born wealthy.

    She has spent many years manufacturing cell phones for other people which earned her a great fortune, it wasn’t until when she set-up her own company HTC, that her wealth really took off. She has an estimated worth of $6.8 billion, her HTC smartphones have rapidly gain fame and in 2010, accounted for 22% of the smartphone market.

    Many may not have heard of her, but she is undoubtedly influential and her income is absolutely down to her own wits rather than any other factor, that’s why Cher Wang deserves the topmost spot on any list of the top ten most influential women entrepreneurs.

    All of these women are very successful entrepreneurs in their own way. All have had to overcome high obstacle of failure to reach their ultimate destination, and all of them have greatly influenced millions and billions of people all around the world. These successful female entrepreneurs have added so much to our lives and serve as great inspiration for other women wishing to achieve their success in life.

    Email Us at contact.sandhyadhara@gmail.com
    Or Contact Us :+91 9547519798
  • The future of Digital Marketing

    The future of Digital Marketing

    The future of Digital Marketing

    Whether you are already engrossed in the world of digital marketing, or you’re looking to dive in this coming year, the landscape is so functional and constantly changing, that it’s crucial to always keep on top of the trends. Not only is it a good practice in its own, but it will also allow you to be of benefit to the clients and businesses in which you are involved.

    Coming into 2020, we’re focusing on UX on a whole new level in the digital marketing zone, focusing on consumer experience, functionality, highly targeted advertising. Most of these innovations are being continuously classy through the use of AI.

    Here are some of the most important and exciting trends that all digital marketers should keep an eye on and think of ways to incorporate into their own strategies. These are going to be the baseline of what keeps the digital zone moving forward into 2020 and in later period.


    Though it may conjure images of the robot boy from a 1980’s movie, the field of artificial intelligence is actually very broad, even in the context of digital marketing itself.

    While the technology is still in its infancy, we can already see some pretty major examples of this in the day-to-day world. Self-driving cars are also being sold, for instance. And both Amazon and Netflix already have built-in AI features which help with recommendations and transactions. We’ll continue to see it being used in a range of up-and-coming marketing applications, including content creation, voice recognition and face recognition as well, digital assistants, and highly targeted marketing strategies too.

    AI is going to become the norm in terms of marketing strategy because of its increasingly accurate ability to analyze consumer behavior and feed into a better, more interactive and personalized experience.

    2. Personal Digital Assistants

    You’ve surely heard of Alexa and Google Assistant by now, AI-driven personal assistants designed to stay connected, on a personal level, to people at every point in their everyday lives. This market is predicted to double next year and reach more than 2.6 billion users by 2022. Devices made by various companies are even able to contact each other for information.

    Day-to-day users of these devices will be able to watch AI evolve in play on a personal as well as on business level. This technology will continue to improve on a huge of levels, including voice recognition , and more personalized services, most of which are based on data analysis of consumer behavior.

    They are becoming integrated too with different productivity and business programs and software with the goal of helping people be more productive.

    3. Social Media Will Shift in Function

    There’s not much one social media innovation that you should know about in terms of an actual platform, but it’s more that the whole spectrum of how we’re using social media is about to see a huge alteration. Social media is no longer being only used for its original purpose, at least not the way it used to be, which was to interact with people. It’s also likely a feedback to the fact that users want more and more control over what they see and are seeking more user-focused, less ad-focused ways of being entertained and interacting with people and groups.

    People are spending more time on social platforms, but the way we are using them is changing. For instance, we’re watching more videos and other media than actually using them for “social” reasons. Users are looking more towards entertainment and new technology like virtual reality are searching ways to do this solely from their socializing.

    Personal blogs and websites are becoming less popular as a means of communicating online, and fewer people are using instant messaging.

    4. Blockchain Technology

    Blockchain is a hot topic nowadays, and it’s not about to move away. It refers to a decentralized digital leger that is the basis for unknown and highly secure applications. It’s also unregulated, that makes it not a very good idea to immerse in now on a business level, but understanding the possible business opportunities here is very important as it develops.

    5. Chatbots

    As AI advances, chatbots are likely to become more able to have “real” conversations, thus potentially improving the landscape for UX in a major way for digital marketers. They will continue to evolve into more practical, versatile tools for both businesses as well as customers. The next year is going to be a promising one in terms of integrating chatbots across many industries and platforms and by 2021 they are going to be a normal part of the average user experience.

    6. Voice Search

    Those who are going into a specialty which is mainly focused on SEO should have a basic understanding of how voice search and speech identification can help shape their brand improvement. One study points to the fact that over 40% of people are using voice search daily and this number is growing day by day.Now what does this mean for digital marketers? A marketer’s ability to optimize their strategy to contain voice search for SEO success is about to become an even greater deal.

    All digital marketers need to stay on top of these trends which are listed above to ensure that their marketing strategy is staying competitive in the market. Marketers will need to have a clear vision and goals and keep a flexible long-term strategy to incorporate these trends. They always need to think, learn, and test in order to accommodate new technology as it becomes absolutely affordable and accessible.

    If you’re looking into getting seo for your business and have an interest in some of these up-and-coming fields, it’s never too late to start.

    To Know More :
    Email Us at contact.sandhyadhara@gmail.com
    Or Contact Us :+91 9547519798
  • All You Need To Know About Digital Marketing

    All You Need To Know About Digital Marketing

    All You Need To Know About Digital Marketing

    What is digital marketing?

    Digital marketing encompasses all marketing methods that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current and eventual customers.

    How does a business define digital marketing?

    Digital marketing is defined by the use of various digital tactics and channels to connect with customers where they spend most of their time: online. From the website itself to a business's online branding assets i.e. digital advertising, email marketing, online brochures, and beyond, there's a spectrum of approaches that fall under the umbrella of "digital marketing."

    The best digital marketers have a clear picture of how each digital marketing campaign supports their underlying goals. And depending on the goals of their marketing strategy, marketers can support larger campaigns through the free and paid channels at their disposal.

    The digital marketer usually targets on a different key performance indicator (KPI) for each channel so they can properly measure the company's performance across each one. A digital marketer who is in charge of SEO, for example, measures their site's organic traffic, of that traffic coming from website visitors who discovered a page of the business's website through Google search.

    Digital marketing is implemented across many marketing roles today. In small companies, one generalist might own many of the digital marketing methods at the same time. In larger companies, these methods have multiple specialists that each focus on just one or two of the brand's digital channels.

    Below are some examples of these specialists:

    SEO Manager- SEO manager's work is to get the business to rank on Google. Using a variety of approaches to search engine optimization, this person may work directly with content creators to assure that the content they produce performs well on Google even if the company also post the contents on social media.

    Content Marketing Specialist- They are the digital content creators. They periodically keep track of the company's blogging calendar, and come up with a content strategy that includes video also. These professionals work with people in the other departments to assure that the campaigns the business is launching are supported with promotional content on every online channel.

    Social Media Manager- The role of a social media manager is to establish a posting schedule for the company's written and visual content. This employee might also work with the content marketing specialist to develop a strategy for which content to post and on which social network.

    Does digital marketing work for all businesses?

    Digital marketing works for any business and in any industry. Disregarding of what your company sells, digital marketing involves building out buyers to identify your audience's needs, and creating valuable online content. However, that's not to say all businesses need to implement a digital marketing strategy in the same way.

    B2B Digital Marketing

    If your company is business-to-business or B2B, your digital marketing efforts are to be gathered around online lead generation, with the actual goal being for someone to communicate with a salesperson. For that reason, the aspect of your marketing tactics is to attract and convert the highest quality leads for your salespeople via your website form and supporting digital channels.

    B2C Digital Marketing

    If your company is business-to-consumer, depending on the price point of your products, it's likely that the goal of your digital marketing efforts is to attract audiences to your website and have them as customers without ever needing to speak to a salesperson.

    What are the roles of digital marketing to a company?

    Unlike most offline marketing efforts, digital marketing allows marketers to see correct results in real time. If you've ever put an advertisement in newspaper, you'll know how difficult it is to evaluate how many people actually flipped to that page and paid attention to your ad. There's no way to know if that advertisement was responsible for any sales at all.

    On the other hand, with digital marketing, you can measure the Return Of Investment (ROI) of pretty much any aspect of your marketing efforts.

    Here are some examples:

    Website Traffic

    With digital marketing, you can see the exact number of people who have viewed your website in real time by using digital analytics software, available in marketing platforms.You can also see how many pages they visited, what device they have used, and where they came from, among other digital analytics data.

    This strategy helps you to prioritize which marketing channels to spend more or less time and money on, based on the number of people those channels are driving to your website. For example, if only 15% of your traffic is coming from organic search, you know that you probably need to spend some time and money on SEO to increase that percentage.

    With offline marketing, it is too difficult to tell how people are interacting with your brand before they have an interaction with a salesperson or making a purchase. With digital marketing, you can get to know the trends and patterns in people's behavior before they have reached the final stage in their buyer's journey, meaning you can make more informed decisions about how to attract audiences to your website right at the top of the marketing funnel

    What type of digital contents should you create?

    The kind of digital content you create depends on your audience's desire at different stages in the buyer's journey. You should start by creating buyer personas to identify what your viewer's goals and challenges are in relation to your business. On a basic level, your online content should aim to help them meet their goals, and conquer their challenges as well.

    If you spend time building extensive buyer personas to identify the needs of your audience, and you focus on creating quality online content to attract and convert them, then you're likely to see strong outcomes within the first few months.

    If paid advertisement is a part of your digital marketing strategy, then the results will come even quicker ,but it's recommended to focus on building your organic reach using content, SEO, and social media for long-term, viable success.

    Do you need a big allocation for digital marketing?

    As with anything, it basically depends on what elements of digital marketing you're looking to add to your strategy.

    If you're focusing on inbound skills like SEO, social media, and content creation for a preexisting website, the good news is you don't need very much budget at all. With inbound marketing, the main target is to build high quality content that your audiences will love to consume, which unless you are planning to outsource the work, the only investment you will need is your time.

    With outbound techniques like online advertising and purchasing email lists, there is undoubtedly little expense. What it costs comes down to what kind of visibility you want to receive as the outcome of the advertising.

    How does mobile marketing fit into your digital marketing strategy?

    Another key element of digital marketing is mobile marketing. In fact, smartphone usage as a whole accounts for 70% of time spent consuming digital media in the world, while desktop-based digital media consumption makes up less than half.

    This means it's essential to optimize your digital advertisements, web pages, social media images, and other digital assets for mobile devices. If your company has a mobile app that allows users to engage with your brand or shop your products, your app falls under the digital marketing as well.

    Those engaging with your company online via mobile devices have the same positive experience as on desktop. This means carrying out a mobile-friendly or responsive website design to make browsing user friendly for those on mobile devices. It also means reducing the length of your lead generation forms to create a hassle free experience for people downloading your content.

    There are lots of ways you can optimize your digital marketing assets for mobile users, and when carrying out any digital marketing strategy, it's very important to consider how the experience will translate on mobile devices. By ensuring this is always front-of-mind, you'll be building digital experiences that work for your audience, and consequently achieve the results you're hoping for.

    Are you ready to try digital marketing ?

    If you're already doing digital marketing, it's likely that you're at least reaching some portion of your audience online. No doubt you can think of some more areas of your strategy that could use a little improvement, though.

    To Know More :
    Email Us at contact.sandhyadhara@gmail.com
    Or Contact Us :+91 9547519798
  • Benefits Of Facebook Advertising

    Benefits Of Facebook Advertising

    Benefits Of Facebook Advertising

    Facebook has been the foremost social media platform for several years now. About this, no one has any doubt , whether it is an individual user or a brand marketer.

    Even though Facebook started as a social media networking platform to help people connect with friends and family, it was a matter of time before it emerged as a medium for promoting brands and marketing businesses.

    How did that happen?

    It is because marketers are always looking to identify ways to engage with potential customers. With the way Facebook started to connect people with people, and people with ideas; they were quick to identify the marketing potential.

    While Facebook allowed pages to be created for businesses also,it is now an important part of every business’s marketing strategy, to generate leads and convert them into customers.Let's know how.

    1. Your customers put in most of their time on Facebook

    75% of all Internet users use Facebook. Even 65% of adults over the world use Facebook. It has trillions of users and most of them check their Facebook page multiple times everyday. Regardless of who your customers are, they are using Facebook every day. Therefore, one of the most important benefits of Facebook advertising is that your customers use it everyday.

    2. Facebook advertising has become the most targeted form of advertising

    A major benefit of Facebook advertising is its ability to reach your exact viewers. Facebook is undoubtedly the most targeted form of advertising. You can advertise to people by age, interests, behavior, location etc and if you really know your customers, you can use Facebook advertising to engage them.

    3. Facebook Advertising is one of the cheapest form of advertising

    Another major benefit of Facebook advertising is that it is one of the cheapest forms of advertisement. It does not make any sense to spend more money in radio ads, television commercials, billboards, and other traditional media to reach the same audience with high budget.

    4. Facebook advertising is fast

    Facebook advertising is super-fast. It drives immediate results. You can start reaching thousands of people everyday. So if you are looking for a fast way to drive customers and conversions, Facebook advertising is the best solution.

    5. Facebook advertising increases brand awareness

    Facebook advertising will significantly build brand awareness. It is a great way to make people aware of what you have to offer for them. The more familiar people are with your brand, the more likely they will choose your products when it is time to make a decision.

    6. Facebook advertising increases website traffic

    Facebook advertising will boost allover website traffic. You can run a website click campaign to target your audience and send them to your site. While you can increase your traffic through multiple sources, the rigor and cost-effectiveness of Facebook advertising makes it more beneficial than other sources of traffic engagement.

    7. Facebook advertising increases revenue, sales, and leads

    Facebook advertising is'not a myth, it actually drives revenue, sales, and leads.

    8. Facebook advertising is measurable

    There is no guessing with Facebook advertising as the results are measurable. And, the numbers will speak for itself. You will be able to see how many impressions, clicks, and conversions you are receiving.

    9. Facebook advertising increases your customer attribution

    Facebook advertising will increase your customer attribution. Attribution is a number of times the audience sees your brand. The more times they interact with your business, the more likely they will convert to customers. Facebook advertising will help you increase touch points with your audience and lead to more conversions in the future.

    10. Facebook advertising lowers your cost per acquisition

    If you can get Facebook advertising to work for your business, it will decrease your acquisition costs. Because Facebook advertising is so cheap, you can cut out some of the other expensive advertising campaigns you have invested in.

    11. Facebook advertising also lead to drive off-line sales

    Facebook advertising can drive offline sales. Some of your customers will likely see your ads on Facebook, visit your site, and visit your location if they trust your solution.

    12. Facebook advertising engages your website visitors

    Have you ever visited a site and saw their Facebook ad? This is an advertising tactic called social remarketing. Remarketing allows you to advertise to recent site visitors. This means that if someone visits your site, and does not purchase or contact you, you can re-engage them with Facebook advertisement. This is a huge benefit that can boost your conversions.

    13. Facebook advertising drives repeat business

    Facebook advertising can drive repeat business from consumers who have purchased from you in the past. Using their audiences feature, you can import your consumer emails into your Facebook advertising campaign. This will allow you to advertise directly to the viewers that is most likely to buy from you.

    14. Facebook advertising will build engagement

    Facebook advertising builds engagement with the target audience. Engagement consists of likes, comments, and interactions on your advertisements. Engagement is important as it signifies a stronger connection with your target audience. As people engage with your brand, an indirect connection is developed. The more engaged your audience is, the stronger your connection will be with them. The more connected they are to your business, the more likely they will convert into customers. Investing in social media management also dramatically increase your engagement.

    15. Facebook advertising increases word-of-mouth and referrals

    The social aspect of Facebook advertising makes it better than every other form of advertising that exists. Facebook advertisements may go viral. If your ads are reaching the right people, they may likely share it with a friend. The ability to spread word-of-mouth and referrals will be a significant benefit your business can capitalize on by using Facebook advertisement.

    16. Facebook advertising helps you build your email list

    Facebook advertising may fuel your email marketing efforts. You can utilize Facebook’s “lead ad” forms to catch email contacts through Facebook ads. You can also direct traffic to an external form on your site to build your email list.

    17. Facebook advertising grows your blog traffic

    A blog can move nowhere without traffic. You can use Facebook advertising to expose your blog to the masses and produce instant traffic. Through advertising your blog, you can gain more trust and credibility with your viewers. Blogs are a great way to build a deeper connection with your viewers. And, you can use Facebook advertising to generate the connection between your blog and traffic.

    18. Facebook advertising increases your SEO rankings

    Search engines count on social signals to rank websites. Social signals consist of the activity on your social media content like shares, likes, and comments on your posts. Facebook advertising can help you increase your social signals, which will indirectly influence your all over SEO rankings.

    19. Facebook advertising helps you break into new markets

    Facebook advertising can help you enlarge into new markets. If you are bringing a new product or service to market, you can use Facebook advertising to increase the products exposure. Facebook advertising helps you test the market, at your own pace.

    20. Facebook advertising is more effective than organic Facebook

    The days of organic Facebook marketing are over. To be successful, you will need to use Facebook advertising. Even if you are building a community of followers, you will have to use Facebook advertising to grow your community. If you are posting content, you have to use promoted posts to reach more people. Facebook advertising is a must if your business plans are to adapt a social strategy.

    If you believe in the benefits of Facebook advertising,start investing in a professional Facebook advertising campaign today.Give a call to discuss your advertising needs.

    Still have questions before you dive into a good Facebook advertising campaign? We definitely understand. Feel free to leave your questions in the comments below and our Facebook ad specialists will answer them for you!

    To Know More :
    Email Us at contact.sandhyadhara@gmail.com
    Or Contact Us :+91 9547519798
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    High-Tech Digital Experts seamlessly combines expertise in digital marketing to define and connect every aspect of a brand experience.

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